Matching a transaction to a purchase order

To match a credit card or bank transaction to a purchase order, first ensure that you're looking at the "For Review" tab within the Matching page. You will see your credit card and bank transactions listed on the left of your screen and any purchase order matches from your POS on the right. 

Then number of potential matches will be shown on the very right column.  By clicking on the link ("1 Match" in the example above), you can see further details for each of those matches.  

Matching a Transaction to a Single Purchase Order

  • Select the purchase order you want to match to the transaction in question. Then, click Match Now.

Matching a Transaction to Multiple Purchase Orders

Reveal will present matches with multiple purchase orders in cases where our algorithm can't determine the relationship between the purchase orders.  In those cases, you will be presented matches with multiple purchase orders with only one match radio dial.  

  • Select the match and click Match Now.

In cases where you need to search for multiple purchase orders, follow these steps.

  • Select Find.
  • Select the purchase orders that match to your transaction.
  • Once the value of the selected activity matches your transaction value, click Match in the bottom right hand corner.

Matching Multiple Transactions at Once

Matching multiple transactions at once can be helpful when you've purchased a group of tickets.  In this example, we've purchased three tickets to one event and would like to match all of them at once to our purchase orders.

  • Select all of the credit card transactions you want to match. Then, click Find Matches. 

  • All of the selected transactions will be listed in the upper right-hand corner.  You can use the filters to search for the corresponding purchase order(s).
  • Select the corresponding purchase order(s).  
  • Verify that the Total Selected in the upper left-hand corner matches the total transactions.  
  • When the amounts equal, click Review and Match in the bottom right-hand corner.

Matrix Matching

Matrix Matching is a technique that allows you to more easily match multiple transactions of the same value to multiple purchase orders at once.  This is helpful when you purchase multiple tickets to the same event.  

Example:  You purchase 3 tickets that each cost $1,109.20 to Wicked Gershwin.  This would create a 3x3 matrix.  

To match, follow these steps.

  • Click on the "3x3" button.
  • Select Match 3 Transactions.

See Matrix Matching for more details.

Automatically Matching Transactions to Purchase Orders

If you want to match all the transactions that have either 1 Match or a balanced matrix, click Auto Match. Please note, this process could take a few minutes.

Finding a Match

  • If we can't find a match or if the proposed match isn't correct, click on Find to search for the correct activity.  

  • Once on Find Screen, search for the activity associated with your card transaction.  You have a number of filters available that will helpful in your search.

  • Select the rows that relate your card transactions.  (Note:  You may need to select more than one line of activity to match the card transaction value.)  
  • Verify the total amount you selected (upper left corner) matches the card transactions amount (upper right corner).   
  • Select Match in the lower right hand corner.
  • Once you've matched the activity to the banking transaction, the transaction will be automatically moved to the Matched tab.

If the total activity value does not match the transaction value, you will be given an option to create an adjustment.  To apply, click on the check box and the Match button will activate.

For further details, see How to search for a match.