Payment Plan: Apply to POS Confirmation

We have implemented a change to help reduce confusion when applying payments to payment plans.  The goal of this change is to display a confirmation screen for the total amount to be applied to the payment plan based on the remaining available balance.  The reason for this change is because you are only able to apply up to the amount of the remaining balance to the payment plan. 

Here is a Step by Step on this update in action, followed by four different scenarios:

Step by Step Process:

  • Under Purchases, Select Payment Plans

  • Select the pencil icon

  • Click “Apply to POS” button

  • You’ll see a pop-up to “Confirm Apply Payment” to the PO and amount to be applied
    • Click "Ok"
  • The process is complete and the page will update

Once you click “OK” from the confirmation window, there are no further steps required. Payment(s) will have been applied and updated within your POS.


Here are a few different scenarios you may see:  

1. Requested amount applied in full to PO

In this example, the entire amount requested would be able to be “Applied” due to a sufficient amount remaining in “Balance”.

2. Previous amount applied to PO and additional amount requested.  Sufficient balance remains to cover Apply Payment request in full

3. Partial amount applied per remaining balance

In this example, only $244.10 can be “Applied” due to a remaining “Balance” of $244.10. A pop-up comes up to confirm that there is a limited balance and to confirm that you still wish to proceed.

4. Partial amount applied to multiple PO's

Similar to the example above, the entire amount cannot be “Applied” due to a limited balance.  In this scenario, the available balance can be applied to multiple PO’s.

If you have any questions, email us at

For more information on How to Create a Payment Plan

All the best,

The Reveal Markets Team