Cancel Inventory (SkyBox)
- To process a cancellation, simply click on the row you wish to cancel and select "Cancel Inventory" from the drop-down menu.
Reveal will take one of the following actions within SkyBox, depending on your Cancellation Settings.
Cancellation Settings
There are two selections for cancellations.
- Mark new cancellations complete when already cancelled in SkyBox - Reveal can see if you've processed the cancellation directly in SkyBox and then mark the cancellation as Complete so you don't have to extra or repetitive work.
- Cancel invoice line items automatically - Reveal can update the cancellation in SkyBox for you automatically. This saves you the time and effort of manually processing. For Reveal to process, you must choose how the inventory will be handled on the cancellation. This selection is made for each marketplace. Go to Credentials and click on the marketplace tile. Then, select from one of two choices:
- Cancel the invoice and purchase line items - Reveal processes a customer and vendor return within SkyBox
- Remove the inventory and do nothing to the purchase - the inventory will go back into stock so that you can resell or manually process
Cancel the invoice and purchase line items
The line item within SkyBox will be cancelled
- A corresponding negative payment will be reflected within the Payments section, resulting in a $0 balance for the transaction.
Remove the inventory and do nothing with the purchase
The line item will be deleted on the invoice, thereby returning the tickets back into inventory
A corresponding negative payment will be reflected within the Payments section, resulting in a $0 balance for the transaction.
If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to support at