Matching Transactions

The Invoice Reconciler will attempt to match any remittance rows that come through to an invoice in your POS. When a transaction cannot be matched, you have the option of manually matching it to a transaction of your choosing.

Here is an example of a row in a remittance that could not be matched to in your POS:

Matching to a POS Invoice

If you know that the row in the remittance does belong to an invoice in your POS, then you can manually enter the invoice to link it. Once matched, all payment/adjustment processing actions are available to you.

To match a row to an invoice in your POS:

1. Click the "Match" link in the row to reveal the details sidebar. 

2. On the sidebar, enter the POS invoice ID that you would like to match the record to and click "Match". 

Skipping the Invoice Match

If you would like to mark a record complete and you know that it does not match an invoice in your POS, you can just skip the match and Reveal's Invoice Reconciler will mark it complete for you. This also removes the record from your list that needs attention.

To bypass the invoice matching:

1. Click the "Match" link in the row to reveal the details sidebar. 

2. Click the "Skip Match" link to avoid having to select a POS invoice. Once the skip is complete, the row will be marked "Complete" and removed from the Needs Attention list. If you skipped the match by mistake, you can go back and find a match by clicking the "Find Match" link.