Why is Deposit Verification Not Working with My Bank of America (BofA) Account?

The reporting from Bank of America (BofA) for the Deposit Verification feature within Reveal operates with a delay. Please be advised that it can take from 5-7 business days from when the deposit reflects in your BofA deposit account, to when that information is reported, and accordingly updated within your Reveal.

If you do not wish to wait, and would prefer to manually mark the deposits as verified, you would go to Invoices>Remittances, find the remittance that has been paid out, and then select:

Once you've selected the remittance you wish to mark as manually deposited, the button to Mark Manually Deposited will appear:

When you select the button, you then have the option of entering the deposit date information from your deposit account, as well as any notes you wish.

Once complete, click OK, and you're all set!